Monday, January 25, 2016

What I say is for your own good

"I make known the end from the beginning..."
Isa: 46: 10 

Recently, my older daughter participated in a science fair at her school. The project was given to her before the Christmas break and was due last week. The minute she signed up, I asked her to make a time table so she could have a timeline to work with so she could finish in time comfortably. But she got into the holiday spirit and forgot about the project through the holidays. When school reopened, I once again asked her to start work on the project, but she put it all off until the last week. She started work on it during the last week! she started work on Monday, and it was due Friday! She was so up to her neck in work that by the time she got down to making the display board to record her findings, she was completely fed up with the project and wanted to finish it up as soon as possible! Result - haphazard, half-baked work with words missing and misspelled, and lines going from one end of the earth to the other. I was so unhappy with her work that I had to make her sit and do it all again. This literally brought tears to her eyes! But I assured her that I would sit with her and help her through the whole thing. After hours of rework, we ended up with tired hands and backs, sleepy eyes, but a presentable and decent project! 

This got me to thinking about how in all instances of our lives, God gives us guidelines to follow. These guidelines, advices, and commands are all there to make our lives easier - not more difficult. And yet, many are the times when I have been lazy to do what I have to do. I have failed to obey His word immediately, and let me tell you that all those instances have ended up costing me dearly. 

Then, When I have totally messed up, I have had to go back and clean up the mess, and do everything again! But just like I sat down with my daughter and helped her complete the work even though it was her fault it was not complete at the right time, God has always taken my hand, gone with me, and led me through every messed up situation. And that is because He loves me, and ultimately wants the best for me! 

When we were done with the project, this is what I said to my daughter: "Didn't I tell you to work on it a little at a time so you could finish it without stress? I know where your decisions lead you, since I have been there before you! So please take my word for it and obey me when I say something." And as I said these words, they echoed back to me in my mind as words the Lord uses for me. He knows the end from the beginning. Therefore, He knows exactly where my decisions will lead me, which is why He sets guidelines for me. I would be far safer following His commands. It would save me a lot of stress!

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