Monday, January 25, 2016

What I say is for your own good

"I make known the end from the beginning..."
Isa: 46: 10 

Recently, my older daughter participated in a science fair at her school. The project was given to her before the Christmas break and was due last week. The minute she signed up, I asked her to make a time table so she could have a timeline to work with so she could finish in time comfortably. But she got into the holiday spirit and forgot about the project through the holidays. When school reopened, I once again asked her to start work on the project, but she put it all off until the last week. She started work on it during the last week! she started work on Monday, and it was due Friday! She was so up to her neck in work that by the time she got down to making the display board to record her findings, she was completely fed up with the project and wanted to finish it up as soon as possible! Result - haphazard, half-baked work with words missing and misspelled, and lines going from one end of the earth to the other. I was so unhappy with her work that I had to make her sit and do it all again. This literally brought tears to her eyes! But I assured her that I would sit with her and help her through the whole thing. After hours of rework, we ended up with tired hands and backs, sleepy eyes, but a presentable and decent project! 

This got me to thinking about how in all instances of our lives, God gives us guidelines to follow. These guidelines, advices, and commands are all there to make our lives easier - not more difficult. And yet, many are the times when I have been lazy to do what I have to do. I have failed to obey His word immediately, and let me tell you that all those instances have ended up costing me dearly. 

Then, When I have totally messed up, I have had to go back and clean up the mess, and do everything again! But just like I sat down with my daughter and helped her complete the work even though it was her fault it was not complete at the right time, God has always taken my hand, gone with me, and led me through every messed up situation. And that is because He loves me, and ultimately wants the best for me! 

When we were done with the project, this is what I said to my daughter: "Didn't I tell you to work on it a little at a time so you could finish it without stress? I know where your decisions lead you, since I have been there before you! So please take my word for it and obey me when I say something." And as I said these words, they echoed back to me in my mind as words the Lord uses for me. He knows the end from the beginning. Therefore, He knows exactly where my decisions will lead me, which is why He sets guidelines for me. I would be far safer following His commands. It would save me a lot of stress!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

When you want something, Ask me

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matt: 7: 7

Sometime back, I heard my younger daughter letting out frustrated sounds in her room as she was playing with her toys while I was busy folding clothes. I went to have a look and I found her on the floor, trying to close a box that she had filled to the brim with all her play kitchen toys. Clearly the box was too full to be closed. She was trying so hard, and since she could not close it, with every effort at it, she grew more frustrated and soon was in tears. I asked her what she wanted, but she just kept crying. 

Although I knew exactly why she was crying, I wanted her to get into the habit of coming to me with her problems so she would learn that I was always there, ready to help her. So I continued to ask her until she finally told me that she wanted me to help her close the box. Then I went in, sat next to her and explained to her that the box was too full. Then we took out a few toys and then she tried closing it again. Her success this time around brought a huge smile to her face. Then I told her that whenever she wanted something, she should ask me.

This led me to thinking about myself. How often have I struggled with some things this way, without taking it to the savior at the onset? I have to confess that I have done this many times! I struggle with problems, trying to come up with solutions, spend time trying to talk to people about things, and yes, even google it, before doing the one thing I should actually do - get down on my knees and take it to Jesus. 

It's not like He doesn't know what I am facing, but it is just that He wants me to go to Him so I can learn that He is there, and He is able! Nothing is too hard for Him, and being the creator of this entire universe, who better to know how to handle it than Him! It pleases Him more than anything else to know that His children trust Him and readily go to Him. As this lesson is sinking in, I have grown to go to the Lord FIRST more and more. I do confess that I still sometimes forget and panic, but God gently reminds me that He is there and He will take care. Go to Him! He is able and He WILL help you.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Hi. My name is Sheena and I am the mother of two adorable little girls aged 8 and 4. I love my girls, and having them has changed my perspective about a lot of things in this world. In their own sweet way, they teach me a lot of little life lessons. I am so grateful to the Lord for them. 

One of the main areas where they have created an impact is...wait for it... in my spiritual life! Yes! You read right! Having them, and watching them grow has taught me a great deal about the Lord! More and more, as I deal with my girls, I have learnt the "Parent" in our Lord. No wonder we call Him Abba Father. Of course I can never hope to understand Him and His love completely, but I am beginning to have glimpses of it through dealing with my girls. 

One of the very first things I learnt after having my older daughter was that I loved this writhing, cute but bawling baby like crazy and would do almost anything for her! That came as a pretty big shock to me, because I am not the most unselfish of people! The love I felt for her was so different from anything I had felt that far! I wanted to do everything possible for her, keep her from all danger, and just hold her close and never let go! I felt the same about my second daughter too.

And that showed me just how much the Lord loved me...and His children. We are His children and He loves us like crazy. He wants to give us everything and more, wants to keep us from all danger and evil, and keep us close to Him at all times. If I, a human being, love my daughter so much, How much more did my Savior, who died for my sins love me!

And the Bible tells us that He loves us with "Agape" or unconditional love. This love was one of the hardest things for me to understand always, but after having my daughter, I began to see how it might feel to love someone like that. 

My love for my daughters is in many ways conditional still, but not so His love! His love is "unconditional" - there are no limits to His love! He loves us no matter what we do or who we are. wrap your brain around that! Many times, as a believer, I have felt that I have to measure up to some invisible standard for Jesus to love me. Many times, I have felt that He simply could not love someone as bad as me. but that's not the way I feel about my daughters. They don't have to do anything to deserve my love! The one and only criteria - they should be my daughters! And that's how God is. The only criteria is that we be His children. And we are! So He loves us! He loves us! The Lord of the universe, the God who created the heavens and the earth, loves us. And we didn't do anything to deserve it! Praise the Lord.