Thursday, February 4, 2016

I Love You Both Equally

"For God so loved the World..."

John  3: 16

"She doesn't get to do chores but I have to!" said my daughter to me the other day as she was cleaning out the dishwasher for me. "How come I have to work and she doesn't? I make my bed, eat myself, I have to study, I have to put my toys away..." the list and complains went on and on!!!

 "I can trust you to get stuff out of the dishwasher and onto the shelves without breaking them while I will probably have to deal with broken plates if she did the same thing sweety" I explained. "Well I don't see her doing anything!" was her only retort.

I sat her down and explained to her. "Honey, she is three years old. You are eight. when you were three, you didn't do anything either. I did everything for you. But now you are old enough to help mommy at home. When she grows older, she will have chores too."

My explanations didn't really convince her, but she did end up doing her chores without voicing any more arguments. As I sipped my coffee that evening, I reflected on how much like that I am sometimes with God.

"Why do I have to do all the hard work Lord? How come I trust you, but am not as well off as that family who aren't as involved with you as I am?" Such and similar questions seem to pop up in my mind from time to time. That day I realized that God deals with each of us differently. He has a different plan for each one of us, and leads us accordingly. That doesn't mean that He loves us less or more. He loves us all the same. Just that He approaches each of us differently, since we are wired differently.


  1. Wow, wow, wow. ..just one word-awesome. Thanks Sheena.
    Your blog had been such a huge motivation to me. Maybe it's time I value my experiences to in the light of God's Word. Thx
