Friday, April 15, 2016

Learn to be happy with what you have

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians: 4: 12 (NIV)

"Mommy can I have that new Shopkins set?" "No honey, you cannot. We cannot buy you another new toy right now." "But mommy! I really love this one." "I know you do, but we cannot buy it just now." "Ugh! You never buy me what I want!"

I don't know how many of you have had this conversation, but I have this conversation once every two or three months! Don't take me wrong. I am not a minimalist, as is proven by my daughters' overflowing toy chests! I trip over toys all day, and I kid you not, there is an entire room in our house, chock full of toys! And yet, my girls find the need for a new toy once every couple of times we visit the store! Sometimes, to hear them talk, you would think they did not have a single toy to play with at home!

We come home bickering and my daughter ends up sulking while I end up with one of my long-winded advice sessions. I always tell her "think of all that you have. We have bought you so many toys, and yet all you can think of is the one toy we did not buy you! What if I gave away all the toys you currently own? Let me give all that away, and then I will buy you this new toy that you so desperately need!"

Obviously the answer to that is a big and resounding NO. They want what they have and more. In fact, they want EVERYTHING!

Wait a minute! That struck a nerve! Isn't that the same thing I do with the Lord. He has given and is giving me so many many things - blessings in abundance. And yet, I always find the time to complain about the one thing He did not give me, or did not YET give me! How would I feel if the Lord said "I'll take away all that I have given you so far and give you this one thing you are sulking about." Oooo that wouldn't be a nice thing to happen!

Another lesson learnt! "Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."