Thursday, March 3, 2016

It's the everyday conversations that matter

"Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually"
                                                                                       1 Chronicles 16: 11

After my older daughter started regular school, we have cut down on going out during the weekdays to the minimum. but sometimes, it is inevitable and we do end up going out. My older daughter has gotten into the habit of bringing her MP3 player along every time we go out. She says it makes the rides shorter for her. So anyway... The other day, we had to drive to a store for something we simply had to have for the next day, and as usual, my daughter pulled out her earphones, all ready to go. But my husband said "Leave them at home. We are not driving far, and I want us to talk to each other." "But I'm only listening to gospel songs!" came the protesting whine. But my husband put his foot down and we started off. I am so thankful that he did that and you will soon know why.

Once in the car, my daughter said "Well at least turn KSBJ (a gospel radio station) on!" "No, we will talk to each other" said my husband. For a minute or two, we drove on in silence, my daughter silently protesting and my husband equally silent - waiting. My younger one promptly fell asleep, and I stayed quiet, not wanting to get caught in what was rapidly seeming to develop into a father-daughter blow out!

And then, it happened! My daughter saw a signboard and started talking about how one of her friends had gone to the shop advertised. We listened, with encouraging words here and there, and story after story poured forth. We ended up having a wonderful ride, with my daughter telling us so much about her friends and even telling us some incidents where we were able to advice her on what to do!

I was so thankful that day that my husband had insisted on not just leaving the MP3 player behind, but also on not turning the radio on. Having gospel music playing would not have been wrong in any way, but sometimes, we need to tune out all the world in order to concentrate on our own family!

And that got me to thinking about my relationship with God. How many times have I been so busy, keeping myself occupied, even with good things, that I have tuned God out! Going to church on Sundays and going to worship concerts is all good. Those are the high days - days like in my family when we sit around the table, have lunch together and sit around talking. But those occasions aren't always there - not everyday! but quick car rides and the like are more the everyday kind of things. And it's these everyday things that matter. Similarly, it is our everyday conversations with God - in prayer and Bible reading - that truly matter, for those are the times when we truly unwind and hear Him.

Lesson learnt! Seek to hear Him not just in the worship concerts, but in the everyday quiet time. Learn to value the power of everyday meetings with God for therein lies the secret to better fellowship with Him. Remember, it is the everyday conversations that matter the most!

1 comment:

  1. So profound Sheena. Glad you found the way to document all that God is teaching you thru your kids.
    Blessed by this sharing. Thank you.
