Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Everyday Is A Celebration

"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, and again I say REJOICE"

Phil 4: 4

This year, as always, my older daughter had to make friendship cards for all her classmates and her teachers for Valentine's day. As is often the case, she forgot all about it until the evening before. Then she sat and made all of them with my help. This time, unlike other years though, my younger daughter was also interested in making valentines just because her sister was making some. So we gave her some cards and crayons and she made her own valentines.

A week later, as my younger daughter and I were playing at home she suddenly kissed me and said "Happy Valentine's day mommy!" I was pleasantly surprised, and wished her back with a kiss. A few days later, the same thing happened - she wished me once more out of the blue. I smiled and told her, "thank you baby, but its not Valentine's day anymore". Then a few days later, she did the same thing again. I again thanked her and reminded her that it was not Valentine's day anymore.

This kept going on pretty frequently and even became a daily affair and I just started wishing her back every time she wished me instead of trying to tell her that Valentine's day was over. We kept doing this on and off until one day my older daughter heard our exchange. Immediately she said "Jo, it's not even Valentine's day! Why would you wish mommy that?"

Just so she would not feel sad, I stuck up for her and said "Why not? let her be! Everyday is Valentine's day for her!" Then, like a lightning flash, God revealed something to me. Isn't everyday truly Valentine's day for every believer? We live each day because of the grace of God - because He died for us! Everyday is proof of His immense love for us!

In her own innocent way, my daughter had unwittingly revealed a simple and yet profound truth about God and His love for us! He truly speaks through the mouth of the babes doesn't He?

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